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Revolutionizing Kroger's Data Management with an Advanced ETL Data Process

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About the Project

Data is everywhere right now, whether it’s transactional databases, customer interactions, or operational metrics. That’s why it is next to impossible to run your business without ‌efficient data management. The Kroger Company which is known to be one of the largest American retail companies that operates over 2700 grocery retail stores across the USA, faced significant challenges in their data collection and analysis processes. 

They depended a lot on spreadsheets and client-based databases which led to a great deal of manual processes and inefficiencies. In order to find an effective and fast solution Kroger partnered with Techvision which implemented a comprehensive Data Catalog and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Process.


Revolutionizing Kroger’s Data Management






Financial services



Team Size:

8 members

Project duration:

1 years

Technologies & tools:




Microsoft SQL Server

Revolutionizing Kroger’s Data Management

Business Needs

Business Needs (Challenges)

Being such a huge business, The Kroger Company had to deal with a bunch of data on a daily basis, and the success of the business really depended on that data. Without a proper way to manage the data Kroger faced significant challenges with it. Because they relied on spreadsheets and client-based databases which were done mostly manually led to inefficiencies and inconsistencies. Not only that was the issue, but it was also very time-consuming, taking up to 20 hours per week for data entry and there was always a chance for human error. It could be hard to scale the business as the existing systems wouldn’t be able to handle such a significant volume of data.

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To address these challenges, our Techvision team implemented a solution that was based on an advanced ETL data process. The main idea of this solution was to create a web-based data mart and develop a modern ETL system.

The web-based data mart was created as a centralized platform where the data could be stored and analyzed. Moreover, it is highly accessible as it has a user-friendly web interface. With the web-based data mart, we got rid of over 100 spreadsheets and numerous client-based databases which enabled a unified view of data across The Kroger Company. Since it is a centralized system, it has also become much easier to manage and maintain the data. Because of that, the client could reduce the need for manual processes by 70 % and significantly lower the risk of human errors.


The second part of the solution was the ETL system. Our team designed a powerful ETL process that handles data extraction from different sources, including transactional databases, CRM systems, and external data feeds. Then, to ensure consistency and quality, this data was transformed. This way, we addressed the issue of data inconsistency which was one of the issues with Kroger’s previous systems. The transformed data was loaded into the new data mart ensuring timely and accurate data availability for analysis.

In order to manage the existing legacy meta-data, we at Techvision built a data catalog which made the management process smooth and quick. This data catalog includes data definitions, lineage, and usage. This is how we ensured data traceability and maintained data quality across the company. By creating this data catalog, we made sure it helped break down data silos, making it easier for The Kroger Company to use all of its data together effectively.

project Key Facts

Core Features



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Open Rate

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy


Open Rate

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy

that received


The implementation of the Data Catalog and ETL Process project has brought noticeable benefits for Kroger making their data management processes smoother:

  • Current and Accurate Data: No more data inconsistency and outdated information. Kroger now uses only up-to-date and accurate data which creates a reliable foundation for data analysis and decision-making processes within the organization.
  • Faster Data Analysis: As the data management processes are streamlined by our solution, Kroger now spends 40% less time on data analysis‌. With the web-based data mart and ETL system, Kroger can gain faster insights into market trends, customer behaviors, and operational performance which makes the process of making highly decisive business decisions so much more efficient.
  • Improved Data Integration: The new system now makes data integration from various sources seamless. And because of that Kroger can have a full view of their business operations, breaking down data silos and improving collaboration between different departments.
  • Operational Efficiency: As there is no need for manual data management the operational efficiency at Kroger has been improved substantially. Employees can now dedicate more time to strategic initiatives rather than routine data management tasks.

Overall, Techvision's advanced ETL data processes have really changed how Kroger handles their data now. The solution we implemented tackled inefficiencies, improved data accuracy, and made operations more flexible.


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